
Friday, September 23, 2016

T.S.C Video

Hi guys I finally got the video, hope you enjoy! The only reason we did this is because for this sand pit term we chose making a film. We chose trick shot city but before that, we did dance crews but then we changed.  Next time I will have better communication with my group so that it will make it easier to finish.  Please leave a comment.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

T.S.C poster

Hi guys its me again this is our poster for our T.S.C.
trust me I will post the movie up A.S.A.P

Friday, September 9, 2016

Making a film

Hi guys these are photos we used to create our movie. 
That's right were making a movie it will be on my blog A.S.A.P 

This photo is how we were editing our video.

This photo shows us trying to make a domino track. 

And this photo shows that we had to restart the first one and re-build it. But we broke this one and we had to build another one.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

First Draft For Space Chimp

Space Pokemon Apocalypse.

I was scared and excited at the same time they said that I will stay in space for 65. years because of the pokemon go apocolypse In 1961. I saw some people coming my way it was scary. I was shaking it was like pokemon go zombies but people were trying to get legendary pokemon.   I was getting ready for the blast in 2 minutes my heart was pounding louder and louder and louder until It stopped in total silence.  In my head it  said oh no as I forgot that there is a electric station near. Everyone wants to come and get Pikachu and evolve him to Raichu. Damn I saw them everywhere, it felt like they were going to destroy the spaceship because my mentor caught a legendary pokemon, it was called Mewtwo he is really strong and powerful.  

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Blast off in a split second boom I was going to space my heart pounded and pounded getting louder and louder and then they said through the radio “have cr,cr,cr you cr made it bob the chimp” I said yes because my mentor taught me how to speak english.  Yes I am a chimp on a wild adventure going to see earth in a black hole and the stars the beautiful stars.   Suddenly I slept and when I was sleeping it was like I was seeing earth in my dream no one can see me because there eyes are glued to their phone or their tablet.  Just walking around I even saw one person running to get pikachu then ran into a button that said do not press this button or the electric would turn off but he ran into it .  And then  everyone went raging and killed each other because they were ferocious one even grabbed the knife some people didn’t even.

Suddenly I woke up and saw the beautiful stars that were shiny as a diamond I saw the hot bursting sun it was awesome and beautiful and then I saw something far more amazing it looked beautiful then when I reached to try and press the button at the bottom corner of my eye I saw the picture of me and my mentor.

Then I thought about what do I look like then I looked at the window and saw myself my face changed as soon as I saw the reflection of my face I had whiskers and my skin was wrinkly and old and ugly but when I looked

Friday, September 2, 2016

W.A.L.T Work out my times 6,7 and 8 tables from my 5 tables

Hello this my next step for my dlo this video shows how to work out times 6,7 and 8 tables from my 5 tables I hope u enjoy this new video.